Sunday, January 31, 2010

To sleep, means weaken..

Tell me how much sleep, tell if you sound, how and when. This is the last real science presented by the decrease of weight, or mosshëndoshjes. This is a truth hiding in a complex relationship between metabolism and sleep-waking cycle, hormones and cerebral phases. This cycle also explains that konsumosh the same amount of food in the evening or during the day, there may be no useful effect in the body, or be transformed into a source of disease? But how? The data before the existence of a very close relationship between sleep-waking cycle and nutrition have been discovered from numerous observations have been made and various related phenomena, such as hours of sleep and weight, but never proven a casual connection. To verify this cycle, researchers conducted a study, which was subjected to 14 nurses. The study included nutrition, physical activity, removing stress and improve sleep quality. In the end, before data collection, nurses were divided into two categories, according to the time that was devoted to sleep and a good holiday. The difference between two groups was apparent: who was fed up with sleep, had a body mass index of higher than gjumashet. Why? According to one of the researchers, one possibility is that sleep has little influence on hormonal balance, for example by reducing the production of leptinës, the hormone of saturation, and causing a greater hunger sensation.
In recent years, for reasons to explain the effect of sleep on body weight, dozens of studies have been conducted and all have shown that the phenomenon is as complex, as well as important. Let him start by Deanna Arble, a study of the "Center for Sleep and Circadian Biology", which is published in the journal "Obesity" a study of how the rats fed with a diet rich in fat weight increased 48 percent when food was given at times that they were sleeping, and 20 percent if the same food was given in different schedules during the day. This happens to rats. But the man? This question is answered researcher Plamen Penev, from the University of Chicago, which has shown for the magazine "Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism" what happens when people are forced to sleep shëndetplotë average of five hours (a relatively low value compared with the full hours of sleep), lose large amounts of glucose and are exposed to diabetes and obezitetit. Something similar has been observed by endokrinologët of Laval University in Canada, which have encountered in the scientific journal "Diabetes". In this magazine has found a space for another international study, which has proven that when receptori of melatoninës not work well, the risk of developing the disease of diabetes increased by 20 percent. Also, endokrinologët of Notinghamit University in the UK, have shown that changes in the percentage of brown fat, which is mainly to newborn babies and animals that fall in hibernation, is closely linked not only with sleep-waking cycle, but with body temperature (which varies during daylight hours).
The data collected so here are something more than simple indicators. "There are many evidence related to the fact that a breach of normal cardiac rhythms change metabolism. Just think about those who work night and those who do not eat breakfast. Both these categories of persons are more vulnerable to obezitetit and various tumors. If you then consider the main elements, which affect the regulation of weight and appetite, will we observe that all affected by the alternation of sleep and waking: metabolism of insulin, the functioning of leptinës (ngopjen primary hormone), the development of brown fat reserves, regulation of temperature and many others. As a result, this cycle has something important: obeziteti can be seen as a pathology that comes from loss of harmony of this delicate balance. Thus, as we better understand molecular mechanisms, can think for genuine interventions ", says a study.
In fact, numerous studies on individual cells and genetics of the phenomenon have begun to reflect a more complicated scheme, which involved thousands of genes. "Cardiac rates affect the secretion of hormones and many other phenomena. However, those people affected by the level of hormones, as melatonina, but also by other factors, such as exercise or type of food consumed. Fat-rich food, for example, lower rates. In a way, is the story of chicken and egg problem: do not know yet what has become his wife, but it is likely that it comes to something unique, where every element is closely linked to another ", explains researcher again. Sleep and weight are closely related to each other by thousands of genes on or off, depending on the time, what you eat and drink, hormonal status, medication taken for various diseases, lifestyle and so on..

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